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October 20, 2024

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Happy Sunday, Pirates. Welcome back from fall break. I hope that you were able to rest and relax and get some much needed away time from school. We look forward to having everybody back in our buildings tomorrow. I wanted to remind you of a couple of things.

  • Tomorrow starts early voting, and so we want to make sure that you have reviewed,  prop a, that you know what will be on the ballot. There have been a couple of posts around ballot language that are coming, and so we just want to make sure that you're aware and that you get out and vote tomorrow. Or election day happens on November 5, but anytime between now and then.
  •  Next, we want to remind you, that October is full of specific recognitions. One of those is principal appreciation month. And so a shout out to those amazing campus leaders who do so much for our students. It's bullying prevention month, and so, the counselors have been working to educate our students around bullying and how we can report that. How do we prevent it? How do we keep all of our kids safe? Red Ribbon Week will be coming up soon where we obviously encourage our students to avoid doing drugs and becoming involved in those kinds of things.
  • So October is a really busy month with a lot of celebrations, but mostly we want to say, welcome back.

We look forward to seeing you. Hope you have a great week, and we look forward to seeing you all back tomorrow.