Pirate Portal: Crandall ISD Staff
staff login in with email and google password
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Upcoming Dates:
29 - Grades Due
31 - Progress Report 1 posted in Skyward
National African American History Month & Career & Technical Education Month
3 - 7 National School Counselor’s Week
7 - Staff District PD Day
14 - Tacos with the Team (Transportation p. 3)
17 - Student/Staff Holiday (Board Gifted Day p. )
20 - Grades Due
21 - Progress Report 2 posted in Skyward
Music in our Schools Month/Youth Art Month
Texas History Month
2 - Read Across America Day
2 - 8 - Educational Diagnosticians Week
6 - End of 3rd 9 Weeks
7 - Student/Staff Holiday (Board Gifted Day)
9 - Grades Due
10-14 - Spring Break
17 - Staff Campus PD Day
18 - Begin 4th 9 Weeks
20 - 3rd 9 Week Report Cards posted in Skyward
28 - Tacos with the Team (Opal Smith)