Tutoring or Test Preparation
A teacher may determine that a student needs additional targeted assistance for the student to achieve mastery in state-developed essential knowledge and skills based on:
● Informal observations,
● Evaluative data such as grades earned on assignments or tests, or
● Results from diagnostic assessments.
The school will always attempt to provide tutoring and strategies for test-taking in ways that prevent removal from other instruction as much as possible.
In accordance with state law and policy EC, districts must obtain parental permission before removing a student from a regularly scheduled class for remedial tutoring or test preparation for more than ten percent of the days the class is offered.
Under state law, students with grades below 70 for a reporting period are required to attend tutorial services—if the district offers these services. [For questions about school-provided tutoring programs, contact the student’s teacher and see policies EC and EHBC.]
At home online resources:
- Khan Academy
- Istation K-6 (contact school for login information)
- Lexia 7-8 (contact school for login information)