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Booster Club

WHO WE ARE: The Crandall Athletic Booster Club promotes athletics at CHS in an atmosphere that is consistent with the education policy of the school community. The goals of CABC include raising funds, providing equipment and and sports facility improvements, soliciting members, providing necessary funds to make athletic participation available to all, and assisting the athletic participation to all, and assisting the Athletic Director, Coaches and Administration.

WHAT WE DO: Each year the Booster Club provides financial assistance to the Athletic Department.  Much of CABC’s operating budget comes from the membership drive and concession stand revenue at home athletic events.  We ask parents and other community members to consider donating to this worthwhile cause, through membership and volunteering opportunities. We promote athletic programs in grades K-12 to increase community awareness and encourage personal support through attendance and involvement.   

MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS: $20 for individual or $30 for families

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNTIES: For a successful Booster Club, many volunteers are needed to staff the concession stands throughout the year.  Shifts are approximately 2 hours and are flexible.  We will never ask you to volunteer while your child is playing their sport. 

  • Merchandise Trailer featuring Pirate Spirit Wear
  • Concession Stand 
  • Athletic Scholarships


President - Kevin Cox

Vice President - Tim Hardman

Secretary - Crissy Koller

Treasurers - Josh Degroot 

Concessions - Rachelle Blackwell

Merchandise - Tim Hardman

Athletic Liaison - Diane Lawley

Directors At Large - Gary Blackwell, Callie Parker, Christine Aranda

Follow us on Facebook at Crandall Athletic Booster Club or join on SportsYou ~ Code UEBN-Q9X6

facebook, social media, social icon@Crandall Athletic Booster Club


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