Crandall has welcomed a new principal this year, Mr. Eihusen, and he has implemented many beneficial changes to CHS
Crandall has welcomed a new principal this year, Mr. Eihusen, and he has implemented many beneficial changes to the high school. I had the opportunity to ask Mr. Eihusen a few questions.
Q: What led you to Crandall?
A: Texas has always been a special place for our family. We have family in Tyler, San Antonio, and San Angelo. Both my wife and I went to high school in San Antonio. We also were stationed in San Antonio from 1992-1994. We’ve always enjoyed the DFW area, which led us to Crandall.
Q: How long have you been in the education field?
A: I started my teaching career in January 2016. I spent just under 3 years teaching Aerospace Science and Leadership before becoming an assistant principal. I served as an assistant principal for 4 years, both at Jeffersonville High School.
Q: What made you want to leave the military?
A: I served 23 years in the Air Force at 8 different locations, including three overseas assignments in Germany and Japan. The last 17 years were spent recruiting America’s best and brightest in several capacities to include recruiter, career counselor, flight chief, and superintendent. Throughout my time as a recruiter, I discovered how much I enjoyed working with high school students, which led me to education.
Q: What important lessons from your years in the military have impacted your school leadership?
A: Leadership is a passion of mine and something I take very seriously. Great leaders take care of those in their organization, establish high expectations, and most importantly lead by example. One of the big takeaways from my time in the Air Force is the importance of respect and value. Everyone in our school deserves the same level of respect regardless of position, to include our students. Just as respect, it’s just as important to ensure everyone is valued as a critical member of our team. If leaders/administrators take care of our teachers. Our teachers will in turn take care of our students.
Q: What are some goals you have for not only yourself but the school?
A: One of my personal goals is to continue to grow as an educational leader. For CHS, it’s very important to create a strong school culture for both our staff and students. I want our teachers and students to “want” to come to school. A strong school culture plays a critical role in making that happen. We have done a great job this school year and I want to continue developing our school culture.
Q: As the second semester begins, what is something you are excited about in the coming months?
A: I’m very excited for the continued successes of our Crandall Pirates, both in the classroom and extracurricular activities.
Q: Is there any advice you have for students or something you think everyone should know?
A: Attitude and hard work is everything! I want our students to understand the importance of owning their outcome. While we can’t control the challenges we face in our daily lives, we can control how we respond to those challenges. One of my favorite quotes is, “When we are born, we are a reflection of our parents. When we die, we are a reflection of our choices.” So again…OWN YOUR OUTCOME!
Crandall is so thankful to have a principal like Mr. Eihusen on board. We cannot wait to see all that he accomplishes at Crandall and the change he creates.