Crandall ISD is committed to ensuring that our students are equipped to impact the world positively. Through our SEL initiative, RISE (Resiliently Improving Socially & Emotionally), we come together as a community and district to build the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that both students and adults need to succeed in school, work, and life.
Crandall ISD is committed to ensuring that our students are equipped to impact the world positively. We understand the importance of Social and Emotional Learning for students. We are also aware of the importance of building teacher self-efficacy and social-emotional health to drive meaningful change in the school and classroom.
We know that Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) builds the skills, knowledge, and attitudes that both students and adults need to succeed in school, work, and life. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) includes principles such as knowing and regulating your emotions, collaborating with others, understanding others, practicing empathy, making positive choices, and building resilience.
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