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July 25, 2022

Good evening, Pirates.

The 2022-23 school year is fast approaching and CISD wants to share a few opportunities with families as August 16 approaches:

  • CISD is offering families an after-school enrichment program this school year. All CISD students in grades PreK-6 are eligible for enrollment in the nationally renowned AlphaBEST program, which spans 11 states. Employees are eligible for a 50-percent discount. Attend this Thursday’s parent night to learn more at either Dietz or Wilson elementaries. Both sessions are 6-8 p.m.
  • Remember how school districts could offer free meals to everyone last year? Well, that option is no more. Covid allowances have run out from the federal government and districts are now required to once again charge for meals based on eligibility. However, you might qualify for free breakfast and lunch. Click here to learn more.
  • School supply lists are standardized across grades PreK-8 this year. Lists for each grade are available here. Check out the district’s Back-to-School Resources Page for more resources to help prepare for Day 1.

Just a little over three weeks remain before we are all back together. We hope your summer is going well and will be in touch soon with more information about the upcoming school year.

Thank you,

CISD Communications