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Technological advances and global competition have transformed the nature of work. Tomorrow’s jobs will require more knowledge, better skills and more flexible workers than ever before. Tomorrow’s workers must be prepared to change jobs and careers several times, continually updating their knowledge and skills. To prepare today’s students for tomorrow, schools are working to help students achieve in challenging subjects.

The importance of and need for Career and Technical education grows as the American workplace becomes increasingly global. The Crandall ISD Career & Technical Education Program allows students to get experience and training in a variety of skills and careers. Career and Technical Education also presents students with the opportunity to learn and practice other critical workplace characteristics: critical thinking, problem solving, team building, communication, and leadership. In an increasingly competitive job market, Crandall ISD’s Career and Technical programs can provide the extra step needed toward a secure future.

There are statewide Approved CTE Programs of Study. Career pathways within each cluster will help students plan their educational experience by combining rigorous academics and relevant career education. Crandall High School Career and Technical Education programs offer courses from the Achieve Texas clusters. The purpose of Programs of Study and Career Pathways is to provide curricula and instruction that enables students to select courses within a program of study / pathway that: • prepares them to enter the workforce upon graduation, or to • continue their education in an advanced technical or academic field of study.

Find out more about Programs of Study here