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May 5, 2023 Community Update


Dr. Murry, the interim superintendent for Crandall ISD, introduces herself and thanks the community for their support. She encourages voting for the school board election and reminds everyone of Teacher Appreciation Week. The district is looking forward to upcoming events like graduation and Baccalaureate.


Happy Friday Pirates. Welcome to another weekend. We hope you had a great week at school. I just wanted to take a minute to number one, introduce myself. My name is Dr. Murry. I am now the lone finalist/interim superintendent for Crandall ISD lone finalist. This just means there's a 21-day waiting period between when the board announces a candidate and when they actually become superintendent.

So hopefully the next Friday that I see you, my title will officially just be superintendent . I wanna thank the board and our community for their support and for their trust and faith in me in this position. I look forward to a great time leading our district and working towards the success of all of our students.

Secondly, I wanted to visit with everyone about voting. Voting is tomorrow Saturday, May 6th from 7 to 7 at the Crandall Combine Community Center. Our voting will be open for our school board elections. We have several positions. I just wanted to give you a quick rundown place two in our Crandall ISD School board has three candidates. Justin Strain, Krystal Williams, and Haley Mosley are all three candidates running for that one position.

Amy Barber is unopposed for place five. Rick Harrell is unopposed for place six and Jennifer Hiser is unopposed for place seven. Lastly, we are celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. We kind of organize those based on what's happening on the campuses. We don't want testing or some of those other things. So over the course of either last week that we've just finished or the upcoming two weeks, we'll be celebrating teachers on each of our campuses.

So we encourage you to say thanks. It doesn't cost a lot of time or energy to send a quick email to your teachers to let them know how much you appreciate them and the work that they're doing on the behalf of your kiddos. I don't have to tell you what a vital role these people play in your children's life. You know it's one of those things that they may not see.

Teachers may not see the impact for several years to come. But these people play a really important role in the lives of your children and in the role of our school district. And we just want to say thank you to them. Thank you for their work. Thank you for their dedication. Thank you for choosing Crandall ISD and thank you for loving our kids.

We hope you have a great weekend and we look forward to the upcoming events: graduation, Baccalaureate. There lots of things coming up in the next few weeks and we are looking forward to seeing you there. Have a great weekend, Pirates.