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November 17, 2024

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Happy Sunday, Pirates. Welcome to the new wing of our Crandall High School. It is an active work zone. You may see some things happening or may hear some things on our video as we're trying to record this, but this is an active work zone trying to get the new wing ready for our students next fall.

I wanted to just say thank you around our bond dollars. That's what makes these new facilities happen. And the great thing about our bond dollars, when those elections pass, they're really an opportunity for us to start focusing on the future and what's great for our students in the coming years.

Along those same lines, we're beginning our strategic planning. A strategic plan is a five year instructional plan helping all of our staff and students to be focused on a mission and a vision and a goal. About 12 years ago we wrote our current mission statement and now there's very few of us left in district that we're actually a part of that process.

It would be easy for me to sit in my office and make a new mission statement and make a vision statement that I felt was best for our students. But what I think is more important is that we have this community field, this collaboration where we come together and we collectively talk about the future that we want for our students.

There's a website that is designed for our strategic plan. There's an application process if you would be willing to serve on that committee and help us future plan for the students going into any future that they desire. It's our goal to meet every student and help them be successful with whatever future that they want to endeavor in and our responsibility to prepare them for that.

We want to say a huge congratulations to our football team. Best regular season that they have had since 1991. We went 9 and 1. Had our first playoff game on Friday and we're very excited to say that we were able to win that game and look forward to our second round of playoffs this coming Friday.

Please watch our website for all of the details and information. Come out and support our Pirates. Lastly, I would love to tell you that we are in our final countdown to Thanksgiving break. Five days of school left. You'll see lots of things from turkey trots to food collection to food distribution to Thanksgiving meals.

We hope that you take some time over the Thanksgiving break to relax, decompress, enjoy great food, friends and family. We look forward to seeing you all back on December 2nd. Happy Thanksgiving.