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Crandall ISD Campuses Donate Food to Families for Thanksgiving

Crandall ISD Campuses Donate Food to Families for Thanksgiving
  • Community
  • Families
  • Staff
  • Students

The Thanksgiving season brought out the best in our Crandall ISD students and staff.

Our six elementary schools - Wilson, Martin, Noble-Reed, Walker, Dietz, Opal Smith - along with Crandall Middle School, raised donations to provide families with Thanksgiving meals.

The Walker Elementary PTO promoted and sponsored their annual Thanksgiving Food Drive/Contest. The school collected food over a three-week period, during which time students and parents are reminded frequently about the food drive. Classes that brought in the most food won a reward - like a pizza party, for example. This year, the Walker PTO, along with students and families, provided boxes of food and either a ham or a turkey to 25 CISD families.

Dietz Elementary collected over 1,000 food items and raised a little over $300 in “turkey bucks” to purchase turkeys, feeding 13 families for Thanksgiving. Students were nominated by staff members, and families were contacted by the school. On the day of food pickup, the food was delivered to their car.

Martin Elementary collected enough food for 17 boxes, which went to several different families from their school. The PTO collected the food over the span of about 2 weeks and put all the boxes together. Any extra food items went to Jason's Hope food pantry.

Noble-Reed Elementary's Dance Team sponsored the drive and collected 472 items.

Opal Smith Elementary's PTO group the charge and collected and distributed items.

Wilson Elementary collected nearly 1,700 food items during its annual food drive, which allowed them to help 16 families.

Crandall Middle School helped eight families by providing ingredients and a recipe for a Thanksgiving meal in a bag.

We’re proud of the generous spirit exemplified by our students and staff.